Gynaecologist, specialising in gynaecological endocrinology & reproductive medicine
Dr. med. Cornelius Döhmen
Professional background:
- 2008-2015: Medical studies: Semmelweis University Budapest, University Hospital Ulm, Charité University Medicine Berlin
- 2015: Licence to practise medicine
- 2015-2018: St. Joseph Hospital Berlin, Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Prof. Dr. M. Abou-Dakn
- 2018-2019: Ev. Krankenhaus Bethesda Mönchengladbach, Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, PD Dr. D. Salehin
- 2019-2022: University Hospital Düsseldorf, Department of Gynaecology, Prof. Dr. T. Fehm and Reproductive Medicine Advanced Training at UniKiD, Prof. Dr. J.-S. Krüssel
- 2019: Doctorate
- 2021: Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics
Stays abroad:
- 2008: St. Michaels Hospital, Kumasi (Ghana)
- 2011: Southeast University, Nanjing (China)
- 2015: University of KwaZulu-Natal - Nelson Mandela Medical School Durban (South Africa)
- Member of the German Society for Reproductive Medicine e.V. (DGRM)
- Member of the German Menopause Society e.V. (DMG)
- 2016: Abou-Dakn M, Döhmen C, Wenzel S: Validation of the TONOPORT VI ambulatory blood pressure monitor in adults according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. Journal Of Human Hypertension 31: 89 (2016).
- 2019: Döhmen Cornelius : Validation of self-reported morbidity in elderly subjects using GP diagnoses.
- 2020: Nora Holtmann, Philippos Edimiris, Marcel Andree, Cornelius Doehmen, Dunja Baston-Buest, Ortwin Adams, Jan-Steffen Kruessel, Alexandra Petra Bielfeld : Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in human semen-a cohort study. Fertil Steril. 2020 Aug; 114(2): 233-238.
- 2021: Julia Vetterlein, Cornelius A. E. Doehmen, Holger Voss, Luisa Dittkrist, Christine Klapp, Wolfgang Henrich, Babett Ramsauer, Dietmar Schlembach, Michael Abou-Dakn, Michael J. A. Maresh, Ute M. Schaefer-Graf : Antenatal risk prediction of shoulder dystocia: influence of diabetes and obesity: a multicenter study. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2021)
- 2022: Philippos Edimiris, Cornelius Doehmen, Lisa Mueller, Marcel Andree, Dunja Maria Baston-Buest, Sebastian Buest, Ortwin Adams, Jan-Steffen Kruessel and Alexandra Petra Bielfeld: Vaccination with either mRNA or Vector-Based COVID-19 Vaccine has no Detectable Effect on Sperm Parameters. Journal of biomedical research and environmental science (2022)