- 1992: Foundation of the gynaecological practice Dr. Döhmen in Mönchengladbach.
- 1996: Recognition of the "Facultative further education gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine" by Dr. med. Georg Döhmen.
- 1997: Granting of the approval according to §121 a SGB V for the implementation of artificial insemination methods and establishment of an IVF unit.
- 1998:
- First pregnancies by IVF or ICSI therapy, cryopreservation of oocytes in the pronuclear stage, sperm and testicular tissue.
- First pregnancies after cryocycles and TESE/ICSI treatments.
- 1999:
- Introduction of the assisted hatching procedure for embryos intended for transfer.
- Establishment of a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 for the practice and IVF laboratory.
- Implementation of over 400 fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI and cryocycles).
- 2000:
- Certification of the quality management system.
- Performance of over 600 fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI and cryocycles).
- 2000:
- Certification of the quality management system.
- Implementation of over 600 fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI and cryocycles).
- 2001:
- Implementation of over 750 fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI and cryocycles).
- Dr. med. Thomas Schalk joins the fertility centre.
- 2002: Implementation of over 850 fertility treatments with above-average clinical pregnancy rates of over 33% (IVF and ICSI cycles).
- 2003: Implementation of over 1,000 fertility treatments with an above-average clinical pregnancy rate of over 30% (IVF or ICSI cycles).
- 2004:
- Since 01.01.2004, therapy with donor sperm in the form of heterologous insemination (AID) or in vitro fertilisation (heterologous IVF) has been carried out as a new service.
- In 2004 (as in previous years), our fertility centre again achieved (as in previous years) far above-average clinical pregnancy rates/transfer (IVF: 32.4% and ICSI: 34.4%).
- 2005: Since 2005 the following procedures have been available in our fertility centre:
- polar body diagnostics (PKD)
- Vitrification of human germ cells
- Oocyte Banking
- 2006-2010: Development of individual treatment strategies with outstanding results in fertility treatment with a pregnancy rate of > 35% (all age groups); average pregnancy rate of all IVF centres according to the German IVF Register (DIR) 28.8% for the year 2009
- 2010: TCM and Acupuncture
- 2010: TCM and Acupuncture
- 2010-2011: Introduction of preimplantation diagnostics (PID)
- 2012:
- Dr. med. Georg Döhmen: Qualification for genetic counselling according to § 7 para. 1,3 Gendiagnostikgesetz (GenDG)
- Dr. med. Thomas Schalk: Qualification for genetic counselling according to § 7 para. 1,3 Gendiagnostikgesetz (GenDG)
- Opening of the branch office at the Krefeld location
- 2015:
- Use of benchtop incubators (G210, BT37) for the cultivation of oocytes (optimization of culture conditions)
- Dr. rer. nat. Ezz Al Din Al Azzeh: Specialist recognition of "Human Reproductive Biology" by the AGRBM
- 2017: Incubator: Embryoscope (time-lapse method)
- 2018: Vitrification of oocytes, PN stages and blastocysts
- 2019:
- 05/2019: Laying of the foundation stone for the new practice building at Nordpark in Mönchengladbach
- 10/2020: Topping-out ceremony of the new practice building at Nordpark in Mönchengladbach
- 2020:
- 09/2020: Opening of the new practice building at Nordpark in Mönchengladbach & renaming of the centre in: Ki.Nd - Lower Rhine fertility centre
- 2021:
- 01/2021:
- dr medical Georg Döhmen: Taking office as acting chairman of the German Society for Reproductive Medicine e.V. (DGRM) for the 2020/2021 session
- Approval as a reproductive medical cooperation partner for preimplantation diagnostics (PGD)
- 01/2021:
- 2022:
- 04/2022: Dr. med. Georg Döhmen awarded by FOCUS Gesundheit as TOP MEDICINER 2022 in the field of "Desire for Children"
- 07/2022: Entry Dr. medical Cornelius Döhmen to the fertility center
- 2023:
- 01/2023: Entry Dr. medical Tania Hamza to the fertility center
- 02/2023: Dr. Georg Döhmen honoured by the magazine stern as TOP MEDICINER 2023
- 03/2023: Dr. Georg Döhmen once again awarded by FOCUS Gesundheit as TOP MEDICINER 2023 in the field of "Desire for Children"
- 2024:
- 02/2024: Dr. Georg Döhmen once again honoured by the magazine stern as TOP MEDICINER 2024
- 05/2024: Dr. Georg Döhmen once again awarded by FOCUS Gesundheit as TOP MEDICINER 2024 in the field of "Desire for Children"
- 2025:
- 02/2025: Entry Dr. medical Faribar Biazar to the fertility center