Fertility treatment
Before we can start, it is important that the necessary conditions are met. Unfortunately, it is not possible to do without bureaucracy entirely.
In the following list, we have compiled all the important information for you, including information on the assumption of costs for your fertility treatment.
Requirements for fertility treatment
Medical requirements:
- Positive rubella immune status
- Negative HIV and hepatitis status in both partners.
Requirements according to Social Code Book V for SHI patients:
- Only married couples can be covered. Entitlement begins at the age of 25 and ends for women at the age of 40 and for men at the age of 50.
- Before treatment begins, a treatment plan must be submitted to the health insurance company for approval.
- The personal contribution varies from one health insurance company to another. Our staff will inform you about the current status.
- Only eggs and sperm of the spouses are used.
- The medical necessity of ICSI must be documented by the doctor. It is only given in cases of male infertility (infertility), possibly in the absence of fertilisation after previous in vitro fertilisation treatment (IVF).
- Prior to treatment, a consultation must have taken place with an authorised institution.
- A maximum of three treatment attempts is possible; previous attempts at artificial insemination are taken into account.
- If spouses are insured with different health insurance companies, the respective health insurance company will assume the costs of the measures/examinations for the spouse who is insured with it.
Costs of cryopreservation are usually not covered.
Cryopreservation of egg and sperm cells as a SHI benefit - Federal Joint Committee decides on guidelines
The Federal Joint Committee (Dept. of Methods Evaluation) has adopted the guideline for the assumption of costs for fertility-protective measures. Until its final implementation, the opinion of the Evaluation Committee is still required (within 6 months). Until then, a transitional arrangement applies.
The cryopreservation of egg and sperm cells as well as the associated medical measures will in future be a service of the statutory health insurance (GKV) under certain conditions. Therapies can be used in the treatment of diseases where there is a risk that they will impair fertility or lead to its loss. [...]
Here you can get further information
Desire for children in lesbian partnerships or among single women
In many lesbian partnerships or single women, the desire to have a child is also a matter of the heart. We are pleased to be able to accompany lesbian couples and single women on their way to a desired child.
We would be happy to answer the most important questions for you in advance:
The prerequisite for treatment with foreign semen is legal and psychosocial counselling. Lesbian couples no longer have to be married.
The first step begins with an appointment for an initial consultation.
Here we will be happy to explain the various treatment options to you and also give you initial information about the cooperating sperm banks. After careful examinations, we will choose the most suitable treatment method for you together with you. Unfortunately, health insurance does not cover the costs of treatment at present.
Sperm donation:
With the help of sperm donation, we can also fulfil the desire to have children in lesbian couples and single women. All donors to a sperm bank are carefully screened for diseases. In addition, all legal factors for the donation are handled by the sperm bank. Many couples or single women shy away from going to a fertility clinic/semen bank and look for a sperm donor on their own. This brings with it both health and legal problems, as a sufficient check would not be carried out here.
We will gladly accompany you on your way. Please contact us!