DGRM German Society for Reproductive Medicine
Website: www.repromedizin.de
DIR German IVF Register
Website: www.deutsches-ivf-register.de
German Network for Fertility Protection Measures in Chemo- & Radiation Therapy
Website: www.fertiprotekt.de
Federal Association of German Reproductive Medicine Centres e.V. Information for couples and doctors, medicine and links
Website: www.repromed.de
North Rhine Reproductive Medicine Association e.V.
Website: www.repromed-nordrhein.de
AK Donor Insemination
Website: www.donogene-insemination.de
DGGEF: German Society for Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine
Website: www.dggef.de
German Society for Andrology (DGA) Website of the German Society of Andrology
Website: www.dgandrologie.de
Wunschkinder.de Information, links, chat, news and a forum on the subject of (in)fertility
Website: www.wunschkinder.de
Working Group on Human Reproductive Biology (AGRBM)
Website: www.agrbm.de
Worldwide Fertility Network ESHRE is one of the world's leading associations of doctors, scientists and paramedics in the field of reproductive medicine and science with 4,000 members worldwide.
Website: www.ferti.net
Information portal "Kinderwunsch" (Desire for children) of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Counselling and financial support
Website: www.informationsportal-kinderwunsch.de
Information on the reimbursement of costs for fertility treatment in NRW Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Website: www.mkffi.nrw/kinderwunschbehandlung
Endometriosis Centre Niederrhein
Ki.Nd - Fertility Centre Niederrhein
Dr. med. Georg Döhmen
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 496860
Website: www.ki-nd.de
Hospital Bethesda MG
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Darius Salehin
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 9812280
Website: www.bethesda-mg.de/frauenklinik-schwerp-endometriose.html
Endometriosis Centre Niederrhein in the gynaecological clinic of the Helios Hospital in Krefeld
Information for couples and doctors, medicine and links
Lutherplatz 40
47805 Krefeld
Phone: +49 (0)2151 - 32 2243
Website: www.helios-kliniken.de
Gynaecological day clinic Krefeld Gynaecological day clinic GbR
Dr. med. Georg Th. Rutt
Andreas H. Meyer
Dr. med. Arno Stelzer
Dr. med. Ulrich Füllers
Alexander Khudyakov
Dr. med. Tessa Schmidt
Julia Peters
Violstraße 92
47800 Krefeld
Phone: +49 (0)2151 - 80600
Website: www.gtk-krefeld.de
Dr. med. Ralf Dürselen
Chief Physician Gynaecology
Dünner Straße 214-216
41066 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 6682151
Website: www.kh-neuwerk.de
private lecturer Darius Salehin
Chief Physician Clinic for Special Surgical Gynaecology, Oncology and Obstetrics
Evangelical Hospital Bethesda Mönchengladbach GmbH
Ludwig-Weber-Straße 15
41061 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 9810
Website: www.bethesda-mg.de
Claudia Behrend
Human Genetic Counselling
several locations (including a branch office in Mönchengladbach-Rheydt)
Phone: +49 (0)221 - 9420130
Website: https://zotzklimas.de/fachbereiche/humangenetik
SYNLAB Medical Care Centre Human Genetics Munich
pre-implantation diagnostics
Lindwurmstraße 29
80337 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 5486290
Website: https://humane-genetik.de/diagnostik/pid/
Medical Care Centre
Dr. Stein + Colleagues Laboratory Medicine
Laboratory Medicine, Microbiology, Infection Epidemiology, Virology, Transfusion Medicine and Human Genetics GbR
Tomphecke 45
41169 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 8194-0
Website: www.labor-stein.de
Samenbank Berlin
SEJ Samenbank Berlin GmbH
Reinickendorfer Str. 15
13347 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 - 46605282
E-Mail: info@samenbank-berlin.de
Website: www.samenbank-berlin.de
Berliner Samenbank
Berliner Samenbank GmbH
Friedrichstr. 152
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 301 88 83
E-Mail: info@berliner-samenbank.de
Website: www.berliner-samenbank.de
European Sperm Bank
Struenseegade 9, 2nd floor
2200 Kopenhagen N
Phone: +49 (0)40 38699406
E-Mail: info@europeanspermbank.com
Website: www.europeanspermbank.com
Prof. Dr. med. Herbert Sperling
Chief Physician for Urology, Pediatric Urology,
Urological Oncology - Maria Hilf
Hospital St. Franziskus
Viersener Straße 450
41063 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 8922301
Website: www.mariahilf.de
zenturo - Center for Outpatient Urology
Dr. med. Werner Funkel | Dr. med. Till Bongertz
Dr .med. Ulrich Kempf | Dr. med. Kay Peters
Herbert Schrammen | Dr. med. Roland Zimmermann
Viersener Straße 50 - 52
41061 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 - 46272-0
Website: www.zenturo-mg.de
formaris –Therapy and training
Personal training, osteopathy & physiotherapy in Mönchengladbach
Marco Paulußen
Fliethstr. 112
41061 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161-3043693
E-Mail: info@formaris.de
Website: www.formaris.de
Social Media:
Instagram: @formaris_mg_2.0
Facebook: fb.com/formaris.de
Specialist centre "Regenbogenfamilien NRW"
c/o Queeres Netzwerk NRW e.V.
Lindenstr. 20
50674 Köln
Phone: +49 (0)221-35656580
E-Mail: brockerhoff@queeres-netzwerk.nrw
Website: www.regenbogenfamilien.nrw