Due to the fact that several follicles can mature during a stimulated cycle, the probability of a multiple pregnancy is increased compared to natural conditions.
In rare cases it can lead to the so-called overstimulation syndrome, an overreaction of the ovaries. This is accompanied by the formation of ovarian cysts, in extreme cases with accumulation of fluid in the lungs and abdominal cavity. An inpatient stay at the clinic is rarely necessary.
The average pregnancy rate after inseminations is about 11%.
The average pregnancy rate after IVF or ICSI is about 32% (Jahrbuch 2004/Deutsches IVF-Register).
The expected pregnancy rate after cryopreservation is about 30%.
In case of transfer of 2 embryos, the probability of occurrence of twin pregnancy is about 20%, in case of transfer of 3 embryos, the probability of occurrence of twin pregnancy is about 27% and the probability of occurrence of triplet pregnancy is about 3-4% depending on the age of the mother.
Individual examinations indicate that there is only a very slight increase in the incidence of malformations during treatment with assisted reproductive medicine. This is largely due to a slightly increased genetic background risk of the affected couples with unfulfilled desire for children.
For legally insured couples who are married to each other, the GMG provides for new cost regulations by the health insurance companies from 1 January 2004. According to these regulations, half of all treatment costs must be borne by the insured! The number of treatments (insemination in a stimulated treatment cycle, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is limited to three cycles; there is no longer an exception for cycles beyond this. Without the possibility of an exception, it is also stipulated that both partners must have reached the age of 25. Women who have reached the age of 40 and men who have reached the age of 50 are not entitled to (partially) paid treatment by the statutory health insurance funds.
Privately insured couples are entitled to reimbursement for 3 to 4 treatment cycles. Most insurers differentiate here according to a so-called causer-pays principle, i.e. that the insurance provider of the partner who is the cause of childlessness is responsible.