"On the Right to a Healthy Child"
A Plea for PGD - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Matthias Bloechle Bound book with dust jacket, 208 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm ISBN: 978-3-424-15120-6 Verlag: Irisiana
"When the Wish Child is missing"
Causes, diagnosis and treatment options Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Strowinski Verlag Hüthig GmbH Heidelberg Year of publication 1998 ISBN 3-7785-2582-4
"Unfulfilled desire for children - a destiny?"
Possible causes, investigations, treatment methods Dr. med. Thomas Sautter Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart Publication year 1994 ISBN 3-89373-272-1
"The Book on Having Children"
Paths against infertility Birgit Frohn Midena ISBN 3-310-00628
"I want a baby"
Desire for children and fertility Gabriele Grünebaum VGS Verlagsgesellschaft Köln Publication year 2000 ISBN 3-8025-1420-3
"A child is born"
Picture documentation about the development of life in the womb Lennart Nilsson Mosaik Verlag München Publication year 1999 ISBN 3-576-04918-5